Add to wishlistThis free Domino (Bones or Fives up) board game, allows you to play with friends or AI (computer player) up to 4 players by game ! You will have options, and all that you need for a working dominoes game. This game is made with Unity 2018.2.5f1 and includes all the addons/plugins needed for a fully working game.
- Easily customizable game
- Admob Integrated: Banner & Insterstitial
- Simple and addictive gameplay.
- Made with Unity 2018.2.5f1 (easy to build for Android and iOS …)
- Support multiple screen sizes.
- Code is clean and professional
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Easy to Reskin Template
This template is very easy to Reskin, Reskin it using any them you desire.
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Don’t worry! we provide full step by step detailed documentation.
Simply follow it to understand all the features.
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