Add to wishlistListen to the spelling word, Guess the word, Slash everything to make your answer before the time bomb explodes!
App Monetization with AdMob.
Re-skin it with various fresh keywords, hope you will make much money.
Created from Unity 5.2.2f1
*LIMITED only to 20 buyers
Of course we want our source code to be UNIQUE in play store.
So I can’t sell it to many people.
App :
- Slash to choose everything
- Daily Missions
- Profile page (level, exp, coin, star)
- Rate me
Games :
- Word Race of the Death
- Listen to the spelling word, Guess the word, Slash the scattered letters to make the correct word before time bomb explodes
- get 10 coins or 1 star if you are lucky enough
- Replay the sound clip if you are unsure
- Skip it if you can’t guess the word
- Word Guess of The Death
- Listen to the spelling word, Slash the correct word before time bomb explodes
- There are only 2 choices of words
- get 10 coins or 1 star if you are lucky enough
- Replay the sound clip if you are unsure
- Skip it if you can’t guess the sight word
- Bonus Game : Follow The Rhythm
- Listen to the rhythm, remember it, & play the same rhythm
- get 5 coins or 1 star if you are lucky enough
- There is no time bomb here
Ads Network : Banner & Interstitial AdMob
Platform : Android
The App template includes re-skin list.
I will teach you how to find gold keywords!