Add to wishlistHyper Casual Action Combo of 4 Premium Games now for a huge discount.
Buy 4 games now in the price of one ,now only $199
Get 4 action packed hyper casual games for this exclusive discount offer only on
These game templates are not available on any other website.These 4 games are included in this Combo offer:
1) Alien Attack – Galaxy Attack
2) MonsTruck – Monster Truck Racing
3) Hyper Casual Snake Eater
4) Puck Battle – Hyper Casual
⭐ Before buying, please read carefully the product description of every item in this Bundle Offer and take a close look at their features and characteristics as they may be different for every game template in this package.
✔Easy to re skin and launch
✔Android and iOS ready
✔Admob Ads integrated
✔Unique rare game