Currency Converter

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Currency Converter : Fast is the simplest, most beautiful currency converter you’ll ever find. It supports almost all different currencies from all around the world, ranging from the US Dollar to the Colombian Peso! If you’re travelling, this really is a great app to use – you can find out how much your currency is worth in just a few short moments. 


Currency Converter : Fast is the simplest, most beautiful currency converter you’ll ever find. It supports almost all different currencies from all around the world, ranging from the US Dollar to the Colombian Peso! If you’re travelling, this really is a great app to use – you can find out how much your currency is worth in just a few short moments. 

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In order to ask a question you need to log in or register as a user for free.

14 days Money back guarantee policy
Development Hours
Category Utilities
Platforms iOS 9.0.x, iOS 9.1.x, iOS 9.2.x, iOS 9.3, iOS 10, iOS 11, iOS 12, iOS 13
Frameworks Native iOS