Add to wishlistFood Rush – is a complete Unity 3D mobile game project that is ready to be launched in Android or iOS game store. This project has all newest game components. Each car is fully animated and has particles. Game has integrated achievements, challenges, advertisements, leaderboards, in-app purchases and a lot of more components that will help to keep the audience interested to play the game, but the most important, this is the first game with our newest customizable editor window addition which helps to modify the project as you want without any struggles. Game is created using Unity 3D engine so it’s really easy to change every aspect of the game and launch it on different devices. To launch game no coding required, but if you want to change specific game parts you can always do that because all scripts is fully commented with explanation what each line of code does. With this asset you will get fully completed documentation which has more than 50 pages of steps how to setup and prepare your program for launch. In conjunction, you will get 13 online video tutorials how to modify the whole project.
Leaderboards – game has integrated leaderboards system which shows how many points player has and in which place he is between another players. Leaderboards are cross-platform so all result are same on different platforms and devices. Modification – leaderboards can easily be enabled using customize window and you can select how much scores you want to display in leaderboards list.
Notifications – Food Rush has two types of notifications that encourages player to come back to play the game. Reminder Notifications – are showed after player didn’t played game for a certain time. Daily Gifts Notifications – are showed when daily gift is ready to be collected. Modifications – you can change notification timeout, icons, titles and messages using customize window without any programming skills.
Bonus Life and Reward – after crashing player has a chance to get a bonus life. If player watch an ad game will be restarted with the current amount of score. Or player can get bonus reward in which player can watch rewarded video and get more coins. Modification – using customize window you can change on what chance player will get bonus and how much coins player has to collect in order to get bonus reward.
Sprites – everything in the game was created by our artists who took a lot of time in order to draw each image. Modification – each sprite can be changed in couple minutes. You can easily add new player/traffic/environment sprites and everything in the game is updated dynamically.
Performance – each object in the game changes dynamically and every time appears in new position. We created a fast spawning model so that all objects are loaded at the start of the game, because of that the whole game process is smooth and without any frame drops.