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This application allows you to simulate loans.
Also allows you to access a detailed table of loan monthly fees.
It is translated into 4 different languages:
- English (default)
- Portuguese
- French
- Hindi
- Chinese
Integrated admob ads:
- banner
- interstitial
APK Demo:
Loan Calculator Clean code Easy to change the ad mob ads for the buyer Installments Table
- Android Studio
- Reskin App
- Admob Account
- Replace ad mob ads by your new ones
- Reskin the app (it is not required a lot of code knowledge but if you don’t want to spend your time doing this, you can easily hire a freelancer for this simple job)
- Create the ads in your admob account (create one banner ad and one interstitial add)
- Replace the ids in strings.xml for your created ads
- Publish to any android app store you want and you’re ready to make money with this app