Magic River Adventures

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Project is easy to edit and add some new graphics or code. This game based on unity3d, script write on C#. Game it has GameCenter, iAd and RateUs button. It was run on iOS 9. 


You can download and install the apk here:



You can run this project for other devices (Android, Mac, PC and other)


As of May 30th 2017 an update was made:

There where error due to old sdk’s in the code. Those have been fixed.
Also comment relevant code was fixed.


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In order to ask a question you need to log in or register as a user for free.

14 days Money back guarantee policy
Development Hours
Category Arcades
Platforms iOS 8.0.x, iOS 8.1.x, iOS 9.0.x, iOS 9.1.x, iOS 9.2.x, iOS 9.3, iOS 10, Android 4.1.x, Android 4.2.x, Android 4.3.x, Android 4.4, Android 5.0, Android 6.0, Unity 4.6.x, Unity 5.0, Unity 5.1, Unity 5.2.x, Unity 5.3, Unity 5.4, Unity 5.5
Frameworks Unity