Add to wishlistDo you read news frequently? Are you interested in society issues as fashion, sports, entertainment, education, technology, etc…? If yes, let our News App helps you. News App for Android is an application under Android platform and it can read news from RSS feeds or Atom file easily. This app supports RSS and Atom format. With our application, you can easy to change to your Feeds links by modify the XML file.
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- Hot news at home screen
- Multiple RSS links
- Multiple Youtube RSS links
- Multi-language supported
- Admob easy to change your ID in “”
- RSS and Atom file reader configured in “CategoryNews.xml” file.
- Social share
You can change your Admob ID in When you opened project and, you can see two function containing the Admob ID and MobileCore ID, you just replace the current ID by your ID, rebuild this app, sharing and get revenue from advertising.
public static String ADMOB_KEY = “[enter your key]”;
Why ProjecTemplate?
ProjecTemplate is a brand specialize in mobile app development and services.
- Customer support for any issues
- Available for customization
- Response in 24 hours in working days and 48 hours at weekend
- Refund if customer does not satisfy
Release Notes
March 22, 2016
- First upload