Nuts & Bolts: Sort Challenge

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Nuts & Bolts: Sort Challenge: is the brain teaser nuts and bolts color sort game designed for those who enjoy challenging nuts bolts puzzle.

With a simple nuts and bolts color sort gameplay, bolt & nuts sort Games are guaranteed to quickly become your favorite pastime activity!

To complete the level, you need to try to arrange the colored nuts in the bolts until all the colors are in the same bolt.

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In order to ask a question you need to log in or register as a user for free.

14 days Money back guarantee policy
Development Hours
Category Puzzle
Platforms iOS 10, iOS 11, iOS 12, iOS 13, iOS 14, iOS 15, Android 9.0, Android 10.0, Android 11.0, Android 12.0, Unity 4.6.x, Unity 5.0, Unity 5.1, Unity 5.2.x, Unity 2020, Unity 2021
Frameworks Unity