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Pop The Lock is a full Unity template ready for release. It is optimized for mobile (iOS iPhone and iPad, Android, Windows Mobile) standalone (Windows PC and Mac OSX), web player and webGL.
How to play?
On mobile : tap the screen when the line touch the dot. On desktop/web : click with the first mouse button when the line is on the dot.
This pack includes:
– Full game ready to use.
– Clean, simple and easy to understand fully commented and documented C# code
– Input touch controller for mobile
– Mouse input controller for web and desktop (mac and windows).
– Procedural level generation system.
You can monetize your game for free with our Ads Manager. AdsManager is a monetizing and who helps developers to maximize their monetization in native mobile apps and projects on multiple platforms.
You can easily set multiple ad mediations for banners and interstitials. Create your own mediation with different ad networks and advertising solution. Using Google Mobile Ads SDK plugin, Stan Assets Android Native or Stan Asset Google Mobile Ads.
– Google Admob banner
– Google Admob interstitial
– Apple iOS iAd banner and interstitial
– Unity Ads video
– Adcolony interstitial video
– Chartboost interstitial video
Video Preview: YOUTUBE VIDEO
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This pack includes: Extended monetization features. (This is an extended version of the code that can be found only on SellMyApp)
– Full game ready to use.
– Clean, simple and easy to understand fully commented and documented C# code
– Input touch controller for mobile
– Mouse input controller for web and desktop (mac and windows).
– Procedural level generation system.