Add to wishlistThis game template is a great opportunity to have an addicting app in your portfolio and become the next Ketchapp! This game template is clone of a famous Ketchapp game The Line Zen that earned much money for its developers and was in to charts of App Store. Gameplay video: Hot Offer!!! BuildBox Project included!
Make Money with the Game Template.
The game template includes three major ads networks: HeyZap, AdMob & Chartboost. There is AdMob banner on a game board, Chartboost full screen ads on a game over screen and HeyZap rewarded video. There is a Remove Ads In-App Purchase as well.
BuildBox 2 Project Cross Platform (iOS & Android)
Universal Game (phone & tablet) Xcode & Eclipse
Projects Separated atlases (one atlas = one image)
Remove Ads HeyZap
Rewarded Video AdMob Banner Chartboost Interstitial Game Center Share & Rate Buttons
Multiple Characters Endless Game
How to reskin
iOS Requirements:
Mac OS X and the latest version of Xcode
This game template is provided with a detailed PDF user guide where you will find step by step instructions to install the project and reskin it:
• Open the project in Xcode
• Change bundle ID
• Change app name
• Reskin and customize
• Change data & IDs
• Setup Game Center Android The game template includes detailed 21 pages user guide. It includes the main sections: Requirements & Eclipse Installation; Import project into Eclipse; Change data & reskin; Build APK; Testing an app; Google Play listing.
Please, follow the guidelines and meet all requirements to mitigate crash issues. The main requirements to meet: Eclipse Project to generate APK; Install API 21 via the Android SDK Manager; Use GENYMOTION.COM & Real devices for testing (do not use Eclipse emulator, because the game requires much RAM). For remove ads check out this: