Add to wishlistPlay Super Racing Game with AI, you can earn the coins and buy more cars to race after each level.
Buy Super Racing MultiPlayer Unity Complete Project, you have a great game to monetize and get the top game of Google Play Store or iTunes. You can build this project for Android or iOS, with Admob and IAP integrated.
Super Racing MultiPlayer Unity Complete Project have a lot of levels, you can easily to create more levels, with cute graphic and nice sound, you will have millions of players.
Demo APK:
Super Racing MultiPlayer Unity Complete Project using Unity 2017.3 or above.
- Addicting game play.
- Easy reskin.
- Integrated Admob.
- Integrated IAP
- Clean code, full C# with comment.
- Fun graphics.
- Amazing sound track.
- Collect coins.
- 20 levels and more.
How to reskin Super Racing MultiPlayer Unity Complete Project
In Documentation you can search detail information how reskin this amazing How to reskin Super Racing MultiPlayer Unity Complete Project. It very easy. You need just to put your images in Assets/Image folders with the same names like in the project (only .PNG format).