Add to wishlistDon’t miss out on this exclusive, one-time-only offer from one of the most popular developers on SellMyApp platform! GET a mind-blowing discount of 60% for an entire bundle of high-quality Unity templates!
Sudoku : sudoku_offline_demo.apk – Google Drive
Tile Crush Adventure : Tile_Crush_Candy_Adventure.apk – Google Drive
Onet Connect Master 3D : Onet 3D Classic Link Puzzle.apk – Google Drive
We are giving away full library of source codes in this bundle for only $149
This Ultra Unity Bundle Includes:
1. Sudoku Brain Puzzle Game (89$).
2. Tile Crush Candy Adventure – Complete Candy Matching Kit (199$).
3. Onet Connect Master 3D Classic Tile Link Puzzle – Complete Project Kit (79$).
➤ Concentrate only on the Game Design. You don’t need programming skills!
➤ You don’t need to hire a programmer to insert advertising network or Implementing IAP , Analytics or Localize your In-Game Language. We already did it for you!
This is a fully completed project. All you have to do just make a reskin and launch your own versions to the app stores.
We work a lot on the project, so you can get a quality product. Which allows you to earn good money Both from Ad Monetization and In-App Purchasing.
Product is constantly developing. You can be sure about the quality of the product and quick support.
Please, if you have questions or wishes, write us a comment below!
We will support you as soon as possible!
➤ Ready for PUBLISH!
➤ Don’t need the programming skills!
➤ Easy for Reskin
➤ Easy for customization
➤ Create EASY – EARN Quickly!
➤ Complete Match 3 Kit
➤ Supports both Android and IOS