Add to wishlistWater Reminder
Just Try Demo Apk. You may like 100%. Don’t miss this opportunity
- Water Reminder reminds you to drink enough water. Proper hydration keeps your skin healthy and helps you lose weight.
- Water is the primary liquid of life and makes up approximately 60% of the human body.
- Water Drink Reminder application is one of the best water reminder apps, with impressively graphics and good UI.
- Daily using this water drink reminder will keep your body in healthy condition!
- Water is the main component of the human body; it has many distinct properties that are critical for the proliferation of life.
- Stay healthy, stay fit and drink enough water!
- Users have to select gender, enter height & weight, weather condition, and other factors; it will help you calculate how much water you should drink per day.
- Set manually drink water goal.
- Customized wake-up time and bedtime to drink water within a day.
- Everyday drink water reminder.
- Records of daily water intake.
- Customizable water container with standard or metric (ml) units.
- Generate graph report based on a log history of date record.
- You can set reminder automatic and manually.
- You can set an automatic reminder with wake-up time and bedtime and interval.
- You can set a manual reminder with specific time with weekdays.
- You can change reminder sound.(Notification sound)
- You can also able to add water from a widget.
Code description:
- Native elements
- Java language
- Admob ads
- Support Android 9.0 to 12.0 version
- Forms saliva (digestion)
- Allows the body’s cells to grow, reproduce and survive
- Water is the major component of most body parts
- Flushes body waste, mainly in the urine
- Needed by the brain to manufacture hormones and neurotransmitters
- Regulates body temperature (sweating and respiration)
- Acts as a shock absorber for the brain and spinal cord
- Lubricates joints
- Converts food to components needed for survival – digestion
- Helps deliver oxygen all over the body
We are offering free and paid support with this application
Free support includes:
- We will help you to import this project into your android studio on your laptop/pc.
- We will also help you to build and generate apk.
Paid support includes:
- Any design changes in existing app.
- Any new feature development.
- Publish app on Google play store.
- Start
- Getting Started
- Importing code into Android Studio
- Adding Admob ads
- Integrating Google Play Leaderboards
- Removing Errors(If any)
- Changing App name
- Changing Package Name
- Changing Color for app backgrounds
Getting Started
To start with the project you have to perform some simple tasks.
Download Android Studio
File>Open>Choose WaterReminderbyFlagg>Ok
1. Import the project into your Android Studio.
2. Modify admob ads into the project.
3. Changing the basics of project like app name, package name.
4. Reskinning the project with changing the graphic content present in the project.res
5. Deploy in the play store.Changing Package Name
To change package name
Right click on your project in Studio, scroll down to Android Tools, and then click on Refactor- Rename Application Package.Enter your name and hit Ok
In Android Studio Go to
then you will see a line like this CHANGE APP NAME- <string name=”app_name”>Water Reminder</string>
change this to
- <string name=”app_name”>YOUR_NAME</string>
Yep thats it . These are the only step you need to worry about . Each step is explained in detail given below.
Importing code into Android Studio
To import the code into your Android Studio do the following steps
- Click on File
- Select New Project
- Select Java Language
Eg – you have put code in C drive then put the path as Local Disk C
In the following list you will be shown the list of projects that you can select Then select Water Reminder<>1.Change these values with your own values
the code. Just copy the code and paste into the same place where you imported your Android Studio project. Normally it is C:Users<– your computer user name–>workspace
To import the services do the following steps
In Android Studio Go to
then you will see a segement which says values for Google Play LeaderboardsRemoving Errors(If any)
If you recieving any errors most likely R cannot be resolved to a variable or android cannot be resolved to any type then do the folllowing
- Run app in Android Studio
- Select Logcat
- Then open Logcat
- You will see error
Changing Color for app backgrounds
Open the code in Android Studio then go to project directory then res–> values —> colors then you will see a lines like given below
<color name=”white”>#ffffff</color> <color name=”background”>…..</color> <color name=”….”>…..</color>
Change the color to any of your need
Search for this function – randomColorGetter
Here you will see complete color list.
Changing Graphics
To change graphic images Go to your project folder -> res>drawable
you will see folders like
drawable-xlarge-mdpiThes folders contain graphics that are used in the app for different types of devices
Just change the images to your images and DO NOT RENAME YOUR NEW IMAGE TO A DIFFERENT NAMETo change the text present in game do the following steps
In Android Studio Go to
res->values->stringsChange the text to whatever you need.
Adding Admob ads and Publish
Note – This section is only for users using Google admob ads. If you dont want to use admob then skip this step. However you will be getting some errors due to missing library files. These errors will be removed by removing Adrequest and Adview varaibles.(Just delete the lines causing errors)
Another folder for google play services are provided with the code. Just copy the code and paste into the same place where you imported your Android Studio project.
To import the services do the following steps
Open the app in Android Studio then go to app–> manifest —> manifest.xml then change the app id
Open the app in Android Studio then go to res–> values —> strings then you will see a line like given below
For Release App -Build>Generate Signed Bundle/APK…>Next>keystore>release>finish
You can add the resulting Aab file to the Play Store
Upload the resulting aab file to Play Console
-Graph and logs of your schedule
-Admob Ads integrated.
-New Material Design.
-Android 10,11,12
-Download Android Studio
-Import Project
-Change App Name
-Change App icon
-Change Application Package Name
-Change admob id