Add to wishlistZakat Calculator (Android, iOS) Template Ready to Build and Publish.This App helps the user who gives the zakat and they can calculate the zakat in the right way. No matter how diversified and complicated your assets and liabilities are, Zakat-Calculator helps you understand and handle them all in the most effective and efficient way.
App Template Key Features
- Helps you work out your assests, liabilities, zakatable worth, nisab and zakat payable.
- 1- Full Zakat calculator: calculate everything about your Zakat (Cash in hand, business, Silver, Gold, etc.)
- 2- Partial Zakat Calculator:
- Gold
- Precious Stones
- Silver
- Business
- Cash in hand/Bank
- Landed property
- And more.
How to Setup and Reskin
Get step by step instructions on how to accurately calculate your zakat. Easy to Customize Colors Menu and Calculation Just Import XDK Ready App –> Build –> (Android, iOS) –> Publish Mobile Store Develop in:
- Jquery Mobile
- Intel XDK
- Cordova / Phonegap