ZigZag is very successful game on App Store and Google Play with millions of downloads. ANDROID DEMO: https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/app-demos/zigzag.apk Concept of ZigZag is very simple. You have to stay on the wall with ball and do as many zigzags as you can. If you fall down from the wall the gameplay ends. It sounds very easy but in reality it is quite hard – it all depends on the speed of the ball. Integrated Chartboost ads.
Auto Generated Map
Map Color Transitions
For all Phones and Tablets
Optimalization: Android API level 10
Chartboost Ads
Rate Button
Environment where Unity3D can run
Unity3D (created in 5.1.0f3)
Google Developer Account (if you want publish app on Google play)
App Store Developer Account (if you want publish app on App Store)